Tuesday, May 18, 2010

News Has Hit the Fan - President Obama is Our New Messiah

Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States of America and the first African American to hold this honorable position. Obama getting elected as president really raised the spirits of a lot of African Americans and showed that perhaps huge racial barriers have really been overcome. Along with African Americans in conclusion scoring a goal for the squad, other Americans of all kinds of diverse backgrounds and religions rejoiced and celebrated for a new messiah of alteration.

Before the rumor that Oprah had funded an intellectual African American democratic candidate the world did not know what twists and turns were in store for the early millennium. Obama emerged from senate to battle and suavely defeat candidate after candidate with his talks of alteration and hope. He appealed to the crowd in no manner that any other presidents before him has done and it really does help that Bush had depressed our economy so horribly that America was searching someone to stroke their ego and shed some light on a dark situation per se.

In 2008, November 4th America and the rest of the world waited anxiously for the results. McCain versus Barack. The biggest voting turnout in history of African Americans and folks under the age of 29 voting in a presidential election. folks from around the world cheered as the results were read: Obama is the next president of the United States of America. Former President Bush was probably jumping up and down in his skivvies as well when he heard the results, whew! That's a load of his shoulders (Just some food for thought).

On January 7th, CNN aired a segment on President Obama. This segment looked like any other Obama segment; tax cuts, intimate speeches on how America is going to move forward and what kind of dog will he buy his young daughters. But this was not that kind of segment. A drawing was shown on the screen; it showed Obama and a halo hovering around the top of his head... much like the depiction of Jesus.

April 3rd, 2007, MSNBC aired the next example of "Obama Mania" which was a headline entitled "Sculpture of Obama as Jesus Causes a Stir: Art or Blasphemy?" This life size sculpture had Obama again with a Halo over his head made of blue neon and long white cloths draping the gawky figure. This sculpture was created by a 24 year old art student in Chicago and was under great mutiny by the Catholic Church. Although the 24 year old did comment on why he had created such a thing, he responded, "...he (Obama) is a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins." The peculiar thing about it's that the artist has received fewer threats than support. The artist boasts that he has received thousands of emails offering help, money and museum space to display the Obama like Jesus statue.

Some of the last examples of this bizarre comparison came from Tennessee Representative Steve Cohen. Cohen stated back in 2008, "Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about." There is also a lot of websites contributed to Barack Obama and his so known as holiness. among the websites is known as Obamamessiah.blogspot.com, as you first click onto the website there are a lot of pictures depicting President Obama as holy and one picture flatly states "Obama is God". On this website there are countless links and quotes of folks and celebrities literally referring to him as a messiah.

So, here is the big question: why is President Obama seen as a messiah or in some cases worshipped like God? There are some folks who are underline worshipping him, some that take it as far as idolizing his wife and kids. Along with being equated to Jesus, Obama has also been referred to as the anti-Christ. Now, this is where it gets very interesting. In one particular religion, the anti-Christ is called the devil's advocate sent to earth. The anti-Christ is characterized by a smooth talking and charming individual.

In one prophecy, it's written that this anti-Christ will emerge as someone who is known by all and will acquire the trust of the folks leading them into despair and misery. Whether these prophecies are true or just pure baloney are in the eye of the beholder but the major issue here is whether or not President Obama can do what he says he is and for fans not to overanalyze his human capabilities. it is able to be agreed that he definitely imparted some type of unity to America's citizen even before he was elected. He is a very intelligent man with lots of fresh ideas and he may not be a novice like McCain but he is heading towards the right direction. The only thing we have nevertheless to see is Obama in action. He has talked a good talk but Americans definitely need some relief and soon.

There are some definite Obama fans out there who think he is just an intelligent guy who will in reality bring our country to prosperity. That's fine. But when folks are just so ready to believe that Obama is something other than a human being is when it becomes an issue. Americans are known to become obsessed with celebrity figures and distorted where they believe things that are extremely farfetched. as well as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt; folks are infatuated with their lives, what they wear and how a lot of kids they're having. they're on every cover of almost every magazine but truthfully they're not considered to be the next godsend.

Not to compare Angelina and brad to President Obama but that's the best manner to explain it. several politicians are in fact celebrities and some folks do not even know about what the politician is talking about but instead focus on their looks and popularity as well as Sarah Palin when she first hit the scene. As McCain illustrated in among his attack ads, Obama is like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Is he just additional celebrity that America was obsessed with or a leader with ideas that can take this country out of its depression?

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